Composed and Performed: Aslı Kobaner-Electric Guitar and Voice, Fulya Uçanok-Electronics, Eda Er-Electronics, Voice, Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu-Violoncello
Recording: Laçin Şahin, Oğuz Öz
Recording Assistants: Utku Gürler, Hamit Sultanov
Mixing: Laçin Şahin
Mastering: Gökhan Deneç
Recording Studio: İTÜ MIAM
Design and Artwork: Eser Selen, Ömer Özçelik
About the Album: In our first album recording as an ensemble that focused on live performance, we attempted to nourish the dialogs through which we made our sounds and voices heard. The notions of performativity, gesturality and motion contributed to our creative processes in the context of sound recording. Through the dialogs we established during those studio recordings, we valued the fluid manifestations of activity and passivity. We were affected by each other, and we affected one another. Within the recording process, we intended to open a sonic window of ‘listening’ and ‘being heard’ while attributing to Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues, at a time in which every silenced voice needs to be heard and reintroduced through dialogs. We hope that you share with us what you have heard through this window, so we could embark together on further journeys.