
Electronic and Electroacustic compositions

I wonder how my homeland fares, Salt Beyoğlu October 8 – December 1, 2024

26 March at 18:00, SCHIESSLHAUS AiR meets HABIBI KIOSK

“V. Dialogs” the first album from klank.ist ensemble is out now

Composed and Performed: Aslı Kobaner-Electric Guitar and Voice, Fulya Uçanok-Electronics, Eda Er-Electronics, Voice, Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu-Violoncello Recording: Laçin Şahin, Oğuz Öz Recording Assistants: Utku Gürler, Hamit Sultanov Mixing: Laçin Şahin Mastering: Gökhan Deneç Recording Studio: İTÜ MIAM Design and Artwork: Eser Selen, Ömer Özçelik...

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“V. Dialogs” the first album from klank.ist ensemble is out now

Composed and Performed: Aslı Kobaner-Electric Guitar and Voice, Fulya Uçanok-Electronics, Eda Er-Electronics, Voice, Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu-Violoncello Recording: Laçin Şahin, Oğuz Öz Recording Assistants: Utku Gürler, Hamit Sultanov Mixing: Laçin Şahin Mastering: Gökhan Deneç Recording Studio: İTÜ MIAM Design and Artwork: Eser Selen, Ömer Özçelik...

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